10 lines on tree

10 Lines on Tree in English for Class 3,4,5

Essay writing on trees is a common topic given in school. 10 lines on tree for class 3, class 4, and class 5 students are easy topics they can write. If you are searching for simple sentences, you can find a different set of short essays on trees from here. As per the difficulty level, there are 5 sets of 10-line essays on trees in English. These sentences are written to teach new and easy words related to nature.  The short lines on the tree are easy to learn. In these short essays on trees, children will know the Importance of trees. Benefits of the tree. Checkout all 5 sets on the tree essay here-

Set.1- 10 Lines on Tree in English for Class 3

  1. The tree is very important for our life. It gives us oxygen.
  2. We get fruits, flowers, and wood from trees
  3. Birds make their nest on the tree.
  4. Trees provide shade to people in summer.
  5. Trees save us from air pollution, and from this, we get pure air
  6. Trees are very important to our life and it is our responsibility to protect them.
  7. In the olden times, man-made weapons used trees and hunted with their help.
  8. Trees are a precious gift of nature, because of trees, our earth looks green and very beautiful.
  9. Trees fight air pollution for us and give us a clean and beautiful environment. it gives us a clean life
  10. Trees provide us shade with their big branches and give other animals a place like home to live.

Set.2- 10 Lines Essay on Tree in English

  1. The wood of the tree is used for building houses and it is also used for making tables, chairs, etc.
  2. We get many types of fruits, vegetables, and flowers from trees which we use in our daily life.
  3. Many types of medicines are made from the fruits of many trees, consuming which humans lead a healthy life.
  4. Trees are a very important part of our lives and save us from noise pollution, air pollution, and many disasters.
  5. Flowers obtained from trees are traditionally used for worship, auspicious work, and decoration.
  6. Flowers are considered sacred in the country of India. Flowers obtained from trees are offered to God.
  7. Water, air, and noise pollution are increasing due to the lack of trees, due to which human life is not safe and diseases are increasing.
  8. Due to the lack of trees in cities, rainfall is less and air pollution is also in high quantity. To fix this, we have to stop cutting trees and plant more and more trees.
  9. Our earth can be destroyed by cutting more trees, to save the earth from destruction, we have to make ourselves aware to plant more trees.
  10. Trees provide us with two important components, oxygen, and food, due to which humans survive.

Set.3- 10 Lines Essay on Tree for Class 4th

  1. Trees are an integral part of the environment. But the needs of man are so high, due to which they have started cutting more trees in quantity.
  2. Trees have historically been considered sacred, especially in India, trees are worshipped and water is offered to them, they are associated with history.
  3. Trees play a very important role for animals. There are many such animals, birds which live on trees and they spend their whole life on trees.
  4. There are many such parts of the world where gas and electricity have not been received, due to which they still have to cook food from tree wood and use firewood to avoid cold.
  5. Trees should not be cut and we should plant more and more trees, it gives us pure air and trees prevent soil erosion and help in preventing floods.

Children learn new words by writing short essays. They can add more knowledge by writing simple sentences or short essays on different topics. We are helping students for class 3, class 4, and class 5 to write short essays on various Indian festivals, but students are advised to take ideas from various sources and write short essays with their efforts.

We have tried our best to write easy sentences on trees for children. These sentences will add knowledge and teach new words. Hope you will like these sentences on the tree. Takes these easy sentences on a tree. We have different sets of short essays on Indian festivals written in English. These short essays are useful for Class 3, Class 4, and Class 5. 

Find another Indian festival essay here:-

10 Lines Essay on Pollution

10 Lines Essay on Cow in English

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